

Comeback Evolution: Selected Works of Walter K. Delbridge


by Walter K. DelbridgE | Edited by Kate Tucker

Buy Comeback Evolution published by University of Akron Press at Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

In Mr. Walter Delbridge’s Comeback Evolution, I journeyed into a heart-rending and impossibly beautiful inner world that is more truthful than anything I have come across in a very long time.  

[...] This volume reveals the resilience, ingenuity, and humanity of Mr. Delbridge whose words have a way of unlocking emotions, memories and thoughts. [...] Comeback Evolution is a generous open invitation to all of us to rediscover our capacity to be inspired and transformed by the beauty of words and the power of human connections.  

  • Sohee Park Ph.D., Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of Psychology, Vanderbilt University 

 In every sentence you can grasp the supreme intellect of Walter Delbridge. His creativity and artistry are evident in his poetry. But to fully understand the artist, you must understand his journey. Rarely is an individual so attuned to their thoughts and feelings in a way that they are able to accept and embrace the positive and negative, and all that falls between. Rarely can an individual convey these thoughts and feelings in the written word. This is Walter Delbridge the artist: a beautiful, humble, kind soul. 

  • Leslie Powlette Stoyer, Executive Director of NAMI Summit County 

 There are many people in the world who simply need voices heard, yet many implement their voice into their artwork. It takes a special person to see the full story of an artist, and Kate Tucker was the right person. It's a blessing to see Walter's story told, and his work preserved. Both are soulful human beings."    

  • Theron Brown, Director of Rubber City Jazz and Blues Festival 

 Kate Tucker’s rich narrative leads us to the door of the intricate, complex and beautiful mind of Walter Delbridge.  And Walter, through his broad collection of prose and poetry, opens the door and invites us inside to be a part of his redemptive story. 

  • Al Andrews,  Founder and Executive Director of Porter’s Call

Cover artwork: Guardian Queen by Angelbert Metoyer


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